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Products and sevices

At Mornington Bootcamp there are product designed to meet your needs no matter where you are in your health and fitness journey!


One on One sessions for those that are looking for that personal guidance.


Group F.I.R.E.* "The Body Changer". Small Group resistance sessions to build strength and change body shape by building lean body mass.


Group  Lifestyle I.C.E.** to optimize fat loss in a fun, supportive and friendly group setting.

Lifestyle Coaching programs to teach you how to maximise the results from every workout and maximise your body's ability to use body fat as fuel. Giving you outstanding permanent results because we work on your lifestyle habits to create changes that last.  Now available on-line.

*    F.I.R.E- Focused intensive resistance exercise.

**  I.C.E. Intensive cardio exercise.

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